Artificial Intelligence Trends in 2020 Blog Apr 15, 2020 5 min read

While we enter 2020 with a numerous amount of changes to consider, the Coronavirus pandemic being a setback for most businesses and the world as a whole, there is still hope in terms of how Artificial Intelligence and other deep learning related technologies are emerging. It is said to have drastic effects on the world as we know it. The trends are mentioned below:

Computer Graphics

Computer-generated graphics now seem like the new trend. While for artists it is a time consuming and tedious process, computer-generated graphics makes tasks such as having a realistic copy of a drawing. Nvidia has taken it up a notch and has already been working with creating complex graphics which reduce the heavy workload for artists and designers as such.


Deep fakes are another area that has been massively growing in recent years. Currently and in the past year, deepfakes were humorous and went viral on social media networks. What we have in store for this current year is unknown to us.

Will this technology be a good or a bad thing for the world? As time goes by, this technology gets more sophisticated and opens doors for some very worrying repercussions which could possibly destroy reputations in the real world. These videos are very difficult to distinguish from the real video, which makes us question every video we see, is it real or not? In the future, the effects may seem much more drastic than is assumable nowadays. Deepfakes could be used in various unethical practices. To name a few, they can be used to spread political disinformation, corporate sabotage, or even cyberbullying.

Google and Facebook have been attempting to get out ahead of the potential negative aspects by releasing thousands of deepfake videos to teach AI's how to detect them. Unfortunately, it seems even AI has been stumped at times. If AI, the creator of deepfakes cannot distinguish between real and fake, we may be in trouble.

Predictive text

As the years pass we can see predictive text in more and more day to day functions. The future may, however, be more AI-centric where AI will know what you want to write before you even do. And to me, that seems like a scary factor. Gmail, for example, is already implementing "Smart" email predictive text, and while it may work quite well, the future is still uncertain.

With the correct use, users will have a much higher speed of writing, and emails will be easier to complete. Especially for people with physical conditions, the predictive text becomes a very useful tool. Needless to say, people with high words-per-minute capabilities will find themselves typing the full sentence anyway as it just comes naturally.

Quantum Computing will supercharge AI

Quantum computing has been used in many cases to expedite the process as well as automate them. For AI, this means that all processes related to AI can now exceed expectations due to computing power.

Quantum computing will result in dramatically improving the speed and efficiency of how we generate, store, and analyze enormous amounts of data. This could have enormous potential for machine learning, AI, big data, and privacy.

By continually increasing the speed of sifting through and making sense of large data sets, AI and humanity could benefit greatly. It could also make it possible to quickly break virtually any encryption - making privacy a thing of the past. The end of privacy or a new Industrial Revolution? Only time will tell.

Facial Recognition will appear in more places

Facial recognition is seen in small applications at the moment, from unlocking phones to biometric access systems. Shifting out of surveillance applications, facial recognition is incrementally being used in other day-to-day applications. Both private and public organizations are now starting to use facial recognition systems for various purposes.

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly being employed to help identify individuals and track their locations and movements. Programs even go as far as to detect an individual’s gait and heartbeat.

AI-powered surveillance is already being used in many airports across the world and is increasingly being employed by law enforcement all over the world. It can be believed that this trend is here to stay and be even more widely used.

AI will help optimization of production pipelines

Fully autonomous production lines powered by neural networking are set to be with us in the not-too-distant future. Currently, many production lines are depending partially on AI to improve and increase the efficiency of their production. Robotic assembly lines are being seen in many manufacturing companies.

Although we are not quite there yet, AI and machine learning are being used to optimize production as we speak. The result is reduced costs, improved quality, and reduced energy consumption for those organizations that are investing in it.

A human worker’s assistant, a digital worker

Many digital robots are expected to be taking up minimalist tasks in the office. Digital workers will be trained to carry out a business task just like any employee, only with a faster outcome and reduced rate of mistakes. All employees across the enterprise will have digital workers working alongside them in the future. The norm will be evident and you will surely be seeing more of these technologies in your workplace

On the contrary to common belief processes that we are accustomed to will change and have been changing due to the emerging technology that we will see in the near future.

More human interaction with AI

The normalcy of AI in the workplace will also be the reason we see more human interaction with AI. In current times we are living with digital assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and other digital assistants. We will soon be expected to live with and work alongside these digital assistants if not something more large-scale with the help of natural language processing. Will you name your next intelligent digital worker? If so, what will it be?

As technology capability improves, regulation permits and social acceptance grows, more AI technologies will be deployed in uncontrolled public spaces. It is obvious that more of us will interact with AI, maybe without even knowing it. While we have come to understand that customer experiences are often improved and customized based on our personal profiles and interest, I expect many other forms of interaction with AI, even those not in visual applications.

Data as the oil fueling the AI fire

In the last 25 years, the rapid growth in data, the reduced cost in storage, and the ease to access it has grown incredibly. Data is driving the improvement of the customer experience, advancing analytics capabilities (especially in the new realm of process data, and Process Intelligence), enabling machine learning and AI, and allowing businesses to harness real value from intelligent automation that is driven by data.

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